Happy New Year.

January 01, 2014

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you've all had a fantastic Christmas, and an amazing New Year! We were at a wonderful gathering in Central London with the most incredible view of the London Eye fireworks! (Photos will follow I am afraid!)

I don't know about all of you, but I overindulged waaayyy too much over the holidays. It may have had a little to do with the amazing food we were treated to last night. Steak Tartare, Lobster Thermidore, Hoisin Duck and Chocolate Orange Profiteroles to name a few, all homemade, all gorgeous. (Thanks Nick and Frankie!)

Now I feel I need to sit back (detox!) and relax! I think the apartment of 'The Minimalists' below would do me a world of good!!

There is something ever so pleasing about this apartment, and I wish I could go on holiday there! Styling that apartment would definatley be a lot harder than it looks. I'm kinda feeling the more is more look at the moment at home ... maybe not for much longer!

How are all of you enjoying the first day of 2014?

Happy New Year photo
The Minimalist Apartment photos