Recipe // Chunky Tomato Soup

March 16, 2016

I don't know about you, but my weekends can go one of two ways. Either I am super productive, getting up early, buying fresh ingredients for meals that I have planned ahead. Or ... I spend the day in my pyjamas, and use up whatever I have in my fridge. All I seemed to have in my fridge last weekend were a ton of tomatoes, and what do you do with tomatoes ... soup! So along with a couple of fridge and cupboard foods a soup was born:


- 1 Cup of hot water
- 1 Vegetable stock cube
- 12 Salad Tomatoes
- 1 Punnet of Plum tomatoes
- 1 White onion
- 6 Cloves of garlic
- 2 Sweet Potatoes
- Handful of Basil leaves


Put into a saucepan the hot water, stock cubes and all of the tomatoes. As these are simmering away, chop up the onion, garlic and potatoes, and throw them in along with the basil. Simmer for 20minutes and serve with some chunky buttered bread.

This recipe is so versatile that you can swap out the ingredients, maybe add in some courgettes, or carrots. If you have a little longer or want to get some more flavours then just leave the soup simmering for longer or chuck all the ingredients in a slow cooker.

What are your easy weekend recipes?

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