Happy Second Day of Autumn to all of you Autumnaholics out there! (Yes, new word created for the Autumn obsessed of us out there!) For me, Autumn is my favourite season. There is just something special about throwing on some comfy clothing, with a chill on the air, eating homemade pumpkin pie and drinking hot chocolate. What about that does not sound amazing?
So this is a little heads up for you ... There are a lot of Autumn themed blog posts on their way! This one is already a favourite as I am giving you a look at my Autumn bucket list. I try and do this every season, but this is the first time I have sat down and got through the whole season (they are long!). This is a list of everything Autumnal I want to do. (there is one thing every day from today until the first day of Christmas: which is obviously the 1st of December!) so sit back and enjoy and I hope you tick a few things yourself!
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